Rick Pearson | The Legend has Retired!

We are inviting you to join us at the office

58 Murray Street Angaston SA 5353


Wednesday 20th December 2023

From 10.30 am


Enjoy a farewell drink and a Sausage and say farewell to

Rick Pearson Retiring after 24 years of dedicated service.

(Rick is not sure what we are up to so please keep it quiet)


If you are unable to make it on this day and would like to say farewell send me a message via email.


Or post to Carol Murphy, PO BOX 16 Angaston SA 5353

I will compile a farewell message book.

If you can attend please let me know for catering purposes.

Carol 041 282 9446

Neville 0488 977 166



“we will have some local beers from Josh at Rehn Bier”


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